Zambian Agri-Business
Sunday, 19 June 2016
by NES
The Zambian Agri-Business Magazine is an agriculture publication based in Zambia, targeting Zambia and the whole of Southern Africa.
Namibian Mining News
Saturday, 04 June 2016
by NES
The Namibian Mining Magazine is a quarterly professional mining journal for the Namibian mining and quarrying industry. With a decent print of 2850 copies per issue and a magnificent online presence.
Construction Insight Magazine
Monday, 23 May 2016
by NES
Construction Insight Magazine is a bi-monthly publication focused on the construction, infrastructure and the business sectors in Africa. Established in 2009, Construction Insight Magazine has gained popularity among decision makers in the construction sector in South Africa and Africa at large and continues to lead and inform the African continent of the latest trends in the construction
Namibian Farmer
Monday, 23 May 2016
by NES
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